Deployment Advice
I found this over at Some Soldier's Mom. It is full of great advice for any family member with a loved one deployed or getting ready to deploy. I know I will be putting it to use. Thank you Some Soldier's Mom. dyzgoneby |
"Yesterday is already a dream, And tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."
I am married to a wonderful Marine and a mother of 5 darling children. Sniper has been home from his second tour in the Shitbox since July 2006. This will be my rants, raves and rumblings with my life with him as a Marine Wife, him dealing with life post Iraq and the Marine Corps next adventure for us. At times I may whine, I may cry and there maybe times I just don't make any sense and you think WTF. These are my feelings and my feelings alone. If you don't like what I have to say, click the "X" in the right corner and move on. Thank a vet for having that choice. If not, sit back and enjoy the peak into my crazy world.
I found this over at Some Soldier's Mom. It is full of great advice for any family member with a loved one deployed or getting ready to deploy. I know I will be putting it to use. Thank you Some Soldier's Mom. dyzgoneby |
Comments on "Deployment Advice"
You're welcome. The comments to that post also have a number of excellent suggestions. Good luck to you and your Marine!
Best advise is those who have been there.