Today has been interesting to say the least. We finally have sunshine, sorta. There is still clouds in the sky, but I see SUN....YEAH!!! Oh yah, it will only last until tomorrow, then the storms are coming in back to back for a few more rounds. Just in time for the weekend. Yippy. This morning, my mood was pretty happy and cheerful. Nope, I haven't heard from Sniper in 8 days, it's all good. I had a dentist appointment with the specialist, who only does root canals. Yep, just what I really wasn't thinking would happen to day, did. I had a root canal done on that wonderful tooth, for the 2nd time. He sat there drilling for what seemed like hours, when it was only 2. The good thing is they saved the tooth and the crown that was on there. I won't need to replace it (my pocket book loves that). I tried to go back to work, but I was so out of it, they sent me home. So here I sit and type on this damn thing, instead of resting (yep, the novocain is wearing off and it's to early for a drink). Then again, my house needs to be cleaned. I think that will wait and I will declare field day on Saturday (munchkins atta love that). The last few days I have been pretty busy between work and shopping. I decided it was time for spring/summer clothes. Maybe if I buy them and wear them, the sun will come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun....anywho, at least that's my thinking. So I had fun shopping every night after work this week and not getting home until 2100. I ended up with a new wardrobe and damn it's been years since I did that. What feels even better is I paid cash for it all and there is no credit card to pay it off next month. I also, decided if I stay super busy with the kids gone this week, just maybe not hearing or seeing Sniper would help pass the time and make things just a little easier. It seemed to have worked. The only thing I have not accomplished is studying. As of yet, I have read the first 3 pages. That's not going to get me far. I haven't set the date for the exam, but I am shooting for end of June. Damn, that's less than 2 months away, I better hit the books. dyzgoneby way too many days until Sniper is in my arms again |
Comments on "Sunshine"
Root canal? That sounds fun, NOT. After that it would not be too early to drink!!! I would have hit the lic on the way home from the dentist. One word for you, Everclear! Hey thanks for checking out my blog too. I'll check yours out daily. Check mine out daily I'm sure it will keep you laughing or fired up, one of the two. I hope for a safe return for Mr Sniper. I was with STA platoon 1/4 durring Desert Storm. Pass him a message for me would ya? First things first 1. SEMPER FI 2.Keep your head up! Stay alert! Stay alive, STA ON TARGET!!!!
Jim....I sent him the message in my letter to him tonight. Thank you from the both of us and thank you for all that you have done for us and for this country.
Semper Gratus!
Retail therapy is the best cure for the blahs!
It was my duty. I have had a member in every single war or conflict this country has had all the way back to the revolution. I am a second generation Marine. My dad was on active duty for 30 years. 2 tours in Korea and 3 in Vietnam. He even spent 6 years as a Drill Instuctor at MCRD San Deigo. The next generation Marine in my family just turned 1 month old. My son Drew. I have a 7 year old girl too, who is a total tom boy and would not suprise me if she joined the Corps. My nephew was in Iraq and got back about 1 year ago. Drop me an e-mail sometime and let me know what batalion your man is with. There are a few anti war/anti military people out here. But the guys in Iraq know we got their backs here, they got ours there. Keep YOUR head up too. Your man will be home soon. OH_RAH